

Enrolment Link


Please click on the enrolment button and wait for our Student Management system to open a pre-enrolment page. We will follow up with a phone call or email prior to the start date selected. 

Preschool visits are held on Friday mornings. New students are invited to attend one or two mornings prior to the start date. Families needing more of a transition plan are encouraged to contact the Junior team leader (Louise Phipps) to arrange. 

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

BOP Taxation Services Ltd - Te Puna School Jeremy Pryor - Sotheby's Real Estate - Te Puna School Jeremy Pryor - Sotheby's Real Estate - Te Puna School RJP Contracting - Te Puna School Te Puna Doctors - Te Puna School Tilt Up - Te Puna School Tilt Up - Te Puna School Pollock Cranes - Te Puna School Pollock Cranes - Te Puna School Four Square Te Puna - Te Puna School NZHL Tauranga - Te Puna School Narellan Pools BOP - Te Puna School EastPack - Marshall Rd - Te Puna School
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